NEWBORN: Please be sure to select a date that is approximately 10 days following your due date. If that day is not available, please select the day closest to that time frame. Please keep in mind, newborn sessions are best if taken place between 10-21 days old to ensure their cooperation and sleepiness. Lifestyle sessions can take place anytime between birth date and 6 weeks.
Lifestyle Sessions take place in your home. They do not consist of any posing, props, etc. all of that takes place only in studio. lifestyle sessions are a relaxed version of newborn photography
If your baby has already been born, please choose to soonest date available. If your baby is past 3 weeks old and you wish to have a studio session, you can book a milestone session. Please see the milestone session calendar to book this.
CAKE SMASH: Please book your cake smash approximately 4 weeks pre-birthday. This gives me time to edit your gallery and ensures a little wiggle room in case anyone falls ill and we need to reschedule.
SITTER SESSION: Please book your sitter session when your little one is sitting unassisted.
Once you fill out the name/details page, you will automatically be sent your forms which will include your proposal (more details I require from you), a contract and deposit. If your proposal forms are not completed within 24 hours, your session will be archived and your date will be released. I do not hold dates as dates are first come, first served.
If you need a specific time that is not showing as available, please feel free to contact me here and I can double check to see if that time slot IS available or if we can work around a time that works best for you.
If you have any questions regarding your package documents, please feel free to reach out to me here.
Please be advised, your day may need to be rescheduled. You will be advised of it within 48 hours if your session needs to be moved. I try to keep my calendar as updated as possible, but sometimes you guys beat me to it! 🥰
Please note:
our online scheduler is a new system and we are still working out the tangles with the system. If there are any issues, we will be sure to be in touch with you right away! 🥰